“You are built not to shrink down to less, but to blossom into more.” Oprah Winfrey
Your teen may look like she has it all together, but underneath she is anxious and overwhelmed. She struggles to manage the constant barrage of activities, responsibilities, and input from social media during a time already heavy with worry, change and social development. She is filled with self criticism, overthinking and a constant fear of failure. Everyday, no matter how hard she tries, she feels like it — that she — is never enough.
You might notice it in your teen’s intense moods and “meltdowns.” It might show up as rebellion and refusing to adhere to established rules; or it could be isolating herself from the people and things that used to be important to her. It can look like perfectionism and chasing endless achievements. You have been trying your best to support your teen, but at times it feels like nothing you do is right and you wonder if you should stop trying so hard. You check in with other parents and hear similar stories, leaving you uncertain on where to turn next.
Here, we help teens and tweens overcome perfectionism, have healthier relationships, heal from traumatic experiences and nurture self-love and understanding. We also support the family in communicating and functioning more effectively as a whole.
- Learning how to manage intense emotions and behaviors by teaching real life coping skills that inspire growth
- Gaining a sense of confidence in themselves and in their lives by better managing relationships and transitions
- Healing the pain of complex trauma, attachment wounds and challenged social engagement
- Managing difficult transitions such as separation and divorce, family blending, illness and loss
- Empowering young women to become strong, secure, brave and compassionate adults
- Teaching mindfulness to improve self-awareness, compassion and focus