Do you feel like you have lost your sense of balance? As life moves around you, you often feel overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed. You wonder how everyone else has somehow got it together and seems happy and yet, you are struggling to keep it all afloat. In the morning you wake up with this feeling of pressure, a sense of dread about the day ahead and all the things you have to do. You notice tension in your body, maybe in your neck and shoulders or a tight feeling in your chest. But there is no time to stop and “do something for you,” as they say. You can’t possibly imagine fitting one more thing in.
It feels like you are always on the verge of dropping all the balls that you desperately try to juggle.
When something doesn’t go as planned, you become irritable and snap. Then you feel guilty. You scold yourself for not being more patient, for not being better. Your relationship is suffering because there is just not enough time to relax or go out and have fun. You worry that you aren’t really present with your kids and that you aren’t enjoying their childhood as much as you should.
At the end of the day, you go to bed feeling like you are not enough- not doing enough, not getting enough done, don’t have enough energy, not a good enough partner or parent.
Maybe this is a new feeling that has come out of a transition in your life- like having another baby, changing jobs, ending a relationship, or having a health scare. Even the most welcome of changes comes with their fair share of challenges. Or maybe this is an old feeling that you have carried around for a long time. You tell yourself that this must be what life is supposed to feel like. You are exhausted and drained.
You wonder how much longer you can feel like this, but what can you do about it?
We want to tell you that you are not alone and you don’t have to live this way. Counseling will help you feel some relief from your stress and start putting together a plan to help you regain control over your anxiety and find a sense of balance in your life again.
It is time to take care of you! Get started today by completing our contact form.