COVID-19 Notice to Clients of Mindful Soul
We are OPEN for Business! . . . online! : )
COVID-19 Notice to Clients 3/14/20
It has been a pretty wild week in New Jersey with COVID-19 and we want to share our latest plans and preparations. Governor Murphy announced yesterday afternoon that it is not a matter of IF schools (and businesses) close in New Jersey, it is a matter of WHEN. Sure enough, Burlington County announced school closings through April yesterday and Camden County school districts are following along.
Here at Mindful Soul, we also feel that it is our social responsibility to help the larger community in slowing the spread of this virus, protecting our more vulnerable populations, and supporting the medical and public health community in safely managing this situation.
It’s like the universe is telling us all to slow down and take a deep breath. . .
How will this impact business at Mindful Soul?
We are fully prepared to take all operations online immediately. Our number one priority is making sure we are here for our clients and that therapeutic services are not interrupted. Please note that the majority of insurance companies are waiving barriers to telehealth in response to the state of emergency so this should not impact the cost of treatment or out-of-network reimbursement in any way. Please visit our FAQs About Telehealth At Mindful Soul page!
At this time, we are moving all upcoming appointments to phone and online sessions through our HIPAA compliant platform and phone system.
We encourage you to:
- Be open to phone or online sessions. This might feel different and new, but telehealth has been around for awhile and allows us to stay connected and provide you support during this time. If you are worried that you are not tech savvy enough for online therapy, we can have a member of our support team walk you through it before your appointment.
- Keep “coming” to therapy! Therapy helps us stay healthy, stable, and grounded. In times of anxiety and uncertainty, therapy is a source of emotional support and a safe place to process our experiences. We strongly encourage all of our clients to keep their appointments as scheduled, whether online or over the phone.
- Communicate with your therapist. Let your therapist know how you are doing, if you are worried about your sessions, or if you are concerned about scheduling issues. We understand that the schedules of both our staff and clients are subject to change with school closings, changes at work, and more. We encourage everyone to be flexible and adaptive as we navigate this in the coming weeks.
What About Groups and Workshops?
Nurtured Heart, Village Warriors and Medford Warriors will each be taking place online via Zoom the week of March 15th and will continue this way until further notice. Nurtured Heart participants will be contacted on Monday with more information. For information on attending Village Warriors, please contact Julia at [email protected], and for Medford Warriors, please contact Elly at [email protected]. Other groups scheduled for March and April are TBD as we prepare for online options.
How is COVID-19 Affecting Scheduling for New Clients at Mindful Soul Center for Wellbeing?
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Mindful Soul is currently offering appointments online and would be happy to schedule you for an intake with one of our therapists on our easy to use, HIPAA compliant, online platform. Once we resume in-person sessions, you are welcome to continue treatment with your therapist and meet in their office. We currently have multiple openings with therapists from our Medford office and a few spots with the Audubon team.
*Schedule and availability is subject to change due to the current state of emergency in New Jersey, however we are very much “open” for business and are happy to have options available so that people have access to therapy during this time of anxiety and uncertainty!
Please note that our practice still does have a 24 hour notice cancellation policy and will consider waivers on a case by case basis. Let your therapist know if you have any questions or concerns. We know a lot of schedule changes and childcare issues are happening due to school closings so please reach out to your therapist as soon as possible for any rescheduling needs.
Warmly, Mindful Soul Center for Wellbeing