9:00 am
Mindfulness Meditation: Guided Exercises for Grounding and Clarity
Join us Sunday Mornings for guided mindfulness meditations with Ji Lim! Mindfulness is a researched based method of gaining inner clarity, increasing self-awareness, and promoting stress-reduction and relaxation. Trained in the art and science of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Ji will help you find your center and channel your inner calm as you transition into your week.
Who: Women ages 18 and up
When: Weekly, Sundays at 9:00am
Where: Mindful Soul Center for Wellbeing, 32 D South Main Street, Medford. NJ
Cost: No Fee, Donations Accepted
Sign up: No registration required for this drop-in group, but feel free to let the facilitator know if you plan to attend! Contact Ji@MindfulSoulWellbeing.com