Why I Stopped Talking about Weight
By: Lara Farrokh, MSW, LCSW
Trigger Warning: Weight, Body Image, Disordered Eating, Body Dysmorphia, emotionally difficult material, sexual harassment
I want to preface this by saying: we have all done it. We have all made negative comments about…
Why You Shouldn’t Set A New Year’s Resolution This Year…before reading this blog
By: Lara Farrokh, MSW, LCSW
Full self-disclosure: I love the idea of setting a resolution and starting fresh on a goal. I do it every year. As a therapist in mental health, anecdotally I have seen and heard from other therapists, that the beginning…
#MeToo and Trauma Recovery
The topic of sexual assault, coercion, harassment, and abuse is sadly a common one in my day to day work as a women’s trauma therapist. Many women that come to my office are not always sharing their stories per se, rather they are dealing with the aftermath…
How Seeing a Therapist Will Help You Weather the Storm
There are lots of memes about running being as good or better for you than seeing a therapist. For me, running and exercise are very much a part of my own “therapy” and I see so many parallels between the two. Running, in fact, is a metaphor that…
Anxiety And The Worry-Go-Round
Anxiety and worry go hand in hand like hot fudge on an ice cream sundae. If you are a chronic worrier or perpetual overthinker, then chances are you have experienced the joys of the worry-go-round that is an anxious mind. You know what I’m talking about,…
Simple Self-Care for Moms with Anxiety
Having anxiety when you’re a mom can be really frustrating. Anxiety gets in the way of having fun with your kids, a good night’s sleep, your relationships, and your overall well-being. On a good day, anxiety is a nuisance, an uninvited friend. On…
Self-Care: Lessons From Our Moms And Messages To Our Kids
Sometimes self-care for a mom is just not the top priority. For example, you know it’s bad when you’re consumed with the fear that another mom will notice your hideously un-manicured feet at your kid’s baseball game and yet, this is where I tend…