In-person and virtual therapy and counseling services in South Jersey.

Mindful Soul Center for Wellbeing is a counseling practice where you can explore, understand, and connect with your true self.  Create the happy and authentic life that you desire; take the first step today.

Two Convenient Locations

In-person and telehealth appointments available for children, teens, and adults.

Mindful Soul Center for Wellbeing is a counseling practice where you can explore, understand, and connect with your true self.  Create the happy and authentic life that you desire; take the first step today.

Our Services & Specialties

At Mindful Soul Center for Wellbeing, we are proud to serve the communities of South Jersey. With offices in Medford and Haddon Heights, NJ, we offer compassionate, professional counseling services to individuals, children, adolescents, couples, and families. We have in person and telehealth options available. Meet our Haddon Heights Team and our Medford Team.

Explore Our
Groups & Workshops

Attending groups & workshops is a powerful way to grow, learn new skills, and connect with others. With topics like mindfulness, stress management, self-care, and compassion, we have groups & workshops available for many ages and walks of life.


Group of adults participating in a therapeutic group

Find strength in shared experiences. Our group therapy sessions and one day workshops offer a safe space to heal and grow, guided by experienced facilitators and the support of others on a similar journey.

Closeup feet walking on the beach

Can Therapy Help You?

We believe that the relationship you have with your therapist is essential to meeting your goals in counseling. A good fit between you and your therapist is the secret ingredient to a positive counseling experience!

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step.

The Latest From the Mindful Soul Blog

Read our latest thoughts and insights on a variety of mental health topics including anxiety, depression, LGBTQ+ issues, and more!

A close-up of two individuals holding hands during a session. EMDR therapy in Haddonfield, NJ provides a safe space for individuals to heal from trauma.

The Role of Safety in EMDR Therapy

Healing Begins with Safety What if healing isn’t just about courage and overcoming hard things, but also about what it means to simply feel safe? For many people, the idea of revisiting painful memories feels overwhelming, even terrifying. That’s…
A person wearing a backpack walking along wooden planks in the woods. EMDR therapy in South Jersey can help you heal from past traumatic experiences in a safe & supportive space. Get started with a therapist today.

The Science Behind EMDR: How It Rewires Your Brain to Heal Trauma

Healing Trauma Through Science Imagine your brain is like an iPhone. Most of the time, it runs smoothly, handling apps (your memories) efficiently. But what happens when an app crashes? It freezes, and drains your battery, and no matter how many times…
A group of three students studying & reading a book together. EMDR Therapy in Haddonfield, NJ can help college students find relief from panic attacks. Reach out to us today to get started!

College Students and Panic Attacks: How EMDR Therapy in South Jersey Can Be a Lifesaver

For many college students, the transition into adulthood is a time of growth, independence, and excitement. But it’s also a period filled with challenges—academic pressures, social dynamics, financial concerns, and uncertainties about the future.…
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